Fast fashion indisputably harms the world and indirectly all living things. The share of fast fashion in carbon emissions, waste generation and water pollution is quite large. If fabric production was stopped today, the materials that already exist in the world meet more than we need. For this reason, fashion should no longer evolve into a linear but circular system.
- 100 billion pieces of clothing are produced every year.
- Every year, 92 million tons of textile waste is generated.
- 85% of total production is assumed to be waste every year.
- Fashion is the second most water-consuming industry.
- Every year, 93 million cubic meters of water is polluted by the fashion industry.
- It takes 3 tons of water for 1 cotton shirt and 11 tons of water for 1 jeans.
- The fashion industry accounts for 10% of total carbon emissions.
Recycling is one of the most frequently used sustainability methods today. Briefly, recycling is to transform existing materials into a reusable raw material by physical and chemical processes. However, these processes do not provide a definitive solution to energy consumption, water pollution and carbon emission problems. On the other hand, upcycling can bring more effective solutions to these problems.
We believe that sustainability should not be just a marketing tool, but a principle that should be adopted by a brand at every stage of production, from packaging to presentation. As a brand, we believe that upcycling is the key to a sustainable future.
We think that the products/materials that have already been produced and disposed of more than we need can replace the use of raw materials.
We adopt transparency as one of the main elements of sustainability. We always try to honestly share our production processes and upcycling methods. One of our main goals in doing this is to demonstrate that upcycling is a legitimate business model.

Fast fashion indisputably harms the world and indirectly all living things. The share of fast fashion in carbon emissions, waste generation and water pollution is quite large. If fabric production was stopped today, the materials that already exist in the world meet more than we need. For this reason, fashion should no longer evolve into a linear but circular system.
- 100 billion pieces of clothing are produced every year.
- Every year, 92 million tons of textile waste is generated.
- 85% of total production is assumed to be waste every year.
- Fashion is the second most water-consuming industry.
- Every year, 93 million cubic meters of water is polluted by the fashion industry.
- It takes 3 tons of water for 1 cotton shirt and 11 tons of water for 1 jeans.
- The fashion industry accounts for 10% of total carbon emissions.
Recycling is one of the most frequently used sustainability methods today. Briefly, recycling is to transform existing materials into a reusable raw material by physical and chemical processes. However, these processes do not provide a definitive solution to energy consumption, water pollution and carbon emission problems. On the other hand, upcycling can bring more effective solutions to these problems.
We believe that sustainability should not be just a marketing tool, but a principle that should be adopted by a brand at every stage of production, from packaging to presentation. As a brand, we believe that upcycling is the key to a sustainable future.
We think that the products/materials that have already been produced and disposed of more than we need can replace the use of raw materials.
We adopt transparency as one of the main elements of sustainability. We always try to honestly share our production processes and upcycling methods. One of our main goals in doing this is to demonstrate that upcycling is a legitimate business model.